Steve Horner presents straightforward problems and solutions in curtailing the rise of child sexual abuse in this insightful narrative portrayal.
Dear Steve: Thank you for your strength and courage in writing your book, The Boys of Wagon Wheel Stables, and contacting the Minnesota Legislators. I believe those efforts were part of us ultimately getting the Child Victim Act passed. Children are safer because you and people like you have the courage to stand up and break the silence. Thank you.
-Michael Finnegan, a senior attorney for Jeff Anderson and Associates, one of America’s foremost legal voices in the defense of children against child abuse; located in St.Paul, Mn. Phone: 651-227-9990.
This is an electronic copy of the printed edition of this book, so you will receive your book in download form IMMEDIATELY!
The Boys of Wagon Wheel Stables , A Personal Documentary by Steve Horner – 141 pages, 900 KB