
Tackling Single Parenting E-Book

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $5.95.

Feeling troubled with the challenges of single parenting? Get the support you need today by reading Steve Horner’s personal single-parenting guide:

Dear Mr. Steve Horner,
Thank you very much for the gift of your book. My gratitude is my
prayer for you and for your sons. Teach them to pray; for, a
family that prays together, stays together in God’s love. May
your book help many parents to deepen their understanding of the
fact that it is in giving that we receive, in loving that we are
loved. Let us pray.

-Mother Teresa of Calcutta;
canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, September 4th,
2016. Letter and Mother’s signature verified by Sisters of the
Visitation, Eagan, Mn.



FACE THE FACTS PEOPLE, most of you single parents aren’t getting the job done-you’re letting your families down. What you need is a hard-working, experienced, pragmatic man on your team, and that’s what my personal parenting guide will provide: practical help and support to ensure that you and your family not only survive, but thrive. – Steve Horner

The first edition of Horner’s parenting book was published in 1996 and won praise from many parenting experts including Wade Horn, Ph.D.,founder of The National Fatherhood Initiative who wrote, “At last! A parenting book for men and women written from the father’s perspective. Entertaining and devoid of ‘psycho-babble,’ Horner’s guide offers a highly personal account of the struggles every single parent faces, with lots of practical tips for helping children grow up to become well-adjusted adults. A must-read for those embarking upon the challenges of single parenting.”

“A remarkably-written book… Horner makes mince meat of the anti-spanking crowd.” -Dr. Howard Hurwitz, PBS’ Hurwitz on Education


“Your Experience will be helpful to other single parents… you are a brave man Steve.” -Diana Baumrind, Ph.D., Institute of Human Development, University of California at Berkley


“Much useful advice… Horner’s book offers a refreshingly candid look at the joys and difficulties of single parenting.” – William Hogan, Independent Publisher


“Enlightening read, Steve!” – Maxine Hakimi, Vent Magazine


“In some ways Horner’s book goes against the grain of modern thought, but then much of what is good and right would fit into that category as well.” -David Davenport, President, Pepperdine University


“Dear Steve; After reading your single-parenting book I must say I’m glad you’re one of the men who ‘get it,’ and I have a feeling your sons will grow up ‘getting it,’ too. Kind Regards,” – Erma Bombeck, syndicated columnist beloved for her humorous anecdotes of American family life.


“Steve, I’m jealous that you have Mother Teresa’s letter.” – Harvey Mackay, author, Swim With the Sharks


WARNING! Steve Horner’s parenting guide might anger some readers who believe increased government spending on thousands of harmful and enabling social programs is a key ingredient for building and sustaining effective and productive families in America. Instead, Horner credits the power and strength of the inherent human spirit for its ability to rise to the occasion of overcoming the challenges of single parenting.

This third, updated edition is copyrighted 2011 and offers the reader a unique then-and-now perspective of the challenges of single parenting.

This is an electronic copy of the printed edition of this book, so you will receive your book in download form IMMEDIATELY!
Tackling Single Parenting From a Man’s Point of View – 459 pages, 1.3 MB

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