



Confused about today’s world? Of course you are, and why wouldn’t you be? Not much of it makes sense anymore. That’s because hypocritical and counter-productive public policies are primary signatures of C.U.N.T.s. They can drive you right over the top like Thelma and Louise.

Throughout history all sorts of human categories have been discussed and dissected in comparing differences: race, ancestry, religion, income, age, and others. But never, until C.U.N.T. – SEQUENCES, have gender differences been so openly discussed in a way that examines the inherent strengths and weaknesses of today’s modern woman who’s being instilled into positions of public policymaking armed with her new-found power and authority.

186 Pages – 1.2 MB PDF File



To say C.U.N.T. – SEQUENCES is misogynistic is wrong; if anything it’s patriotic. Yes, the naive individual might initially find it shocking, while others might see it as absurd, maybe slightly humorous. Cynics will view it as regrettable, infuriating, maybe even archaic. However, astute men and women will appreciate its boldness and feel empowered with a sense of gratitude for its revelations.

Inside C.U.N.T. – SEQUENCES you and every other reader will run into at least one allegorical narrative, probably many more, that will strike a personal chord. It’ll begin to persuade you to understand and believe what I am professing. You’ll then know I am right about this volatile topic, and that you, too, have been right about it all along. Thrilling? Just wait!

Get the whole story with my sequel to C.U.N.T.: C.U.N.T. – SEQUENCES! – Steve Horner

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I had read some of Steve Horner’s earlier books about the root causes of disturbing social issues that keep popping up in headlines. I got to thinking about his books last week when I saw the latest reports of mass carnage at the hands of angry young men and the uproar from the abortion-is-healthcare crowd. Horner is one of those writers who, whether you agree with him or not, will find connected causes between seemingly unconnected social issues and lay out the solutions in his books. I checked in here, and sure enough, here’s another book in his provocatively-named series that sheds more light on the craziness occurring in our country on an almost daily basis.
-Greg Warren

My favorite moments from Horner’s books are when he “tells on himself” in his efforts to chase down a theory or uncover the truth behind someone’s intention, and this book has got some good ones. Horner repeatedly getting yelled at and hung up on by public officials; Horner getting suckered punched by an anti-protester; Horner the opinionated and outspoken guy navigating (not always successfully) a 21st-century love relationship. Through it all he tells a tale of a guy seeking answers and proposing solutions in a country that doesn’t seem to want to listen.
-Donna Kuester